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Contact Information

  • For information about my book, please contact Brittany Thoms, brittany(at)seesparkgo(dot)com.

Upcoming Events

  • Book Signings:
    Barnes & Noble San Francisco, CA TBD// Barnes & Noble Los Angeles, CA TBD// Barnes & Noble Seattle, WA TBD// Barnes & Noble Boston, MA TBD// Barnes & Noble New York, NY TBD// Barnes & Noble Dallas, TX TBD// Barnes & Noble Atlanta, GA TBD// Barnes & Noble Memphis, TN TBD

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I'm a seasoned writer/producer/ with nearly 20 years marketing communications and production experience.

I've written and produced TV, Web sites, radio, live events and other multimedia stuff - and have worked for companies like TiVo,, Rogers & Cowan, Hill and Knowlton and others.

After 20 some-odd years in the sports & entertainment marketing business, I threw it all away to follow my passions. Unfortunately, the dream of a professional ice-tennis career (tennis, played on ice…sport of the future?) quickly faded when I couldn’t get the family to agree to move to Russia. So, as I wait for my next plan to take root (can anyone say: child actor?), I write. (Hope that child actor thing happens soon. There are bills to pay, after all.)

So, a few of my projects include:

– My book, The ABC’s for Expectant Dads, is now available (Dalmatian Press). It’s the ultimate A-Z guide for new dads, as they wade their way through some VERY unfamiliar waters. Oh, you know those waters; they’re dark, deep and treacherous. (Yeah, and fun and rewarding and, blah, blah, blah. That’s another book by some other guy.)

– A parenting podcast at

– A parenting blog at Life & Times of a New Dad

- Contributor to

– A parenting blog at

I’ve got the kid (a son born in September, 2005), the wife (born sometime before that), and let’s not forget our firstborn child - the dog. (I also have a beautiful Harley-Davidson that gathers dust in the garage next to the golf clubs, which gather more dust.) As it has been said - “It’s all good.”


In no particular order: Sports, pop culture, music, movies, TV, hiking, running, walking, talking, riding my harley, hanging with my wife and our dog, golf, and, of course, putting together cribs, strollers, toys, getting as much sleep as possible, and Kolby.